Appeals Process Assignment Answer Key For each reason, indicate the appropriate action (Accept, Resubmit, or Appeal). Then, provide the rationale for your decision using the rationale code in the Rationale Options section below the table (for example, D1). Indicate One of the Following Actions: Accept Resubmit Appeal Resubmit Provide Rationale for Decision: D1 Accept E1 is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m Reason for Denial, Rejection, or Partial Payment The wrong diagnosis or procedure code was submitted. The service provided is only allowed once every 3 year The .
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Most Popular Study DocumentsAssignment OverviewUnit 2 - Individual ProjectASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONLibrary Research AssignmentYou now have change program .
Colorado Technical University Change Drivers in an Organization DiscussionAssignment OverviewUnit 2 - Individual ProjectASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONLibrary Research AssignmentYou now have change programs in various stages of implementation at a large number of the 60 companies in your portfolio. Some of the companies are doing quite well, and others are stalling or are nonresponsive to the change initiatives being implemented. You have a feeling that there is resistance that is taking place, and you want to roll out some new concepts and ideas to help the leaders of these companies handle this resistance. A number of these leaders have asked you for ideas that would help them understand the resistance and to perhaps create action plans to address the issues involved. You presented a set of possible issues, which has prompted the line managers to ask for more specifics to increase the success of all the change initiatives.Complete the following:What is the relationship between change drivers and impediments to change in an organization?Explain different external and internal change drivers, and describe their impact on people in an organization.What are the applicable models and strategies to overcome resistance to change?How does your current set of recommendations demonstrate either a reduction in the resistance to change or the need to adjust some of the change drivers?What are at least 5 specific recommended steps that can be taken in the present situation described?Note: You have the choice of the following delivery options for this assignment:A paper of 1,800–2,200 wordsA PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes totaling 2,000 words (plus or minus 10%)Visio flow charts with an accompanying script of 2,000 wordsViseo with accompanying script with 2,000 words (plus or minus 10%)Smart chartsNote: Use a minimum of 1 chart in your analysis or description of a model or strategy being recommended, and use 1 flow chart to visually show the stages in your recommendation.Be sure to use APA formatting and valid graduate-level references.Objective:Describe and explain models, strategies, and specific steps involved to effectively manage organizational change in a variety of contexts and settings.Distinguish between different types and terminologies of organizational change.Explain the nature of the relationship between organizational change drivers and impediments.Identify the nature and significance of various impediments to organizational change (e.g. resistance to change).Identify the type and significance of various drivers of organizational change and the impact of internal and external factors that impact change to an organization.
Assignment 3: Research Paper: Case Study (Value: 35 points; Due Week 5) Create your own ethical case study based on your experiences and readings. You can use either your chosen professional area or a situation at the national or global level as the setting for this paper. In your paper, include the following: Introduction: research the literature on ethics and leadership and provide the following: Rationale for the case study: Describe the reason for the case that you present (Why is the topic relevant? How does it expand or contribute to a leader’s knowledge about ethics?). Document your comments with appropriate related references. Case study: Provide a narrative with the case study topic that you identified. Include the following: Setting: Briefly describe the setting Situation: Describe the situation. Impact: State how it affects the organization and whether it affects people inside or outside the organization. If the situation is from your own organization, be sure to use pseudonyms to maintain confidentiality at all times. Ethical stance: clearly describe why the case/situation poses an ethical challenge for an organization. References: Use appropriate documentation to support your narrative. Handout: Provide a one-page handout summarizing the case. Include as an appendix to your paper. Rubric: Element Not Met (2-0 points) Met (3-4 points) Exceeded (5 points) Rationale for case study Rationale provided is unclear about the topic and its relevance of the case study or is missing Rationale provided supports the topic and relevance of the case study Rationale provided clearly supports the topic and relevance of the case study Documentation used to support comments Documentation is missing or is not relevant to the assignment. Fewer than three sources are used Appropriate documentation used to support views and discussion. Three sources are used. Appropriate and relevant documentation used to support views and discussion about ethical issue. More than three sources are used. Narrative and description about the case and issue is provided Narrative about case study ethical issue is unclear or not provided. Confidentiality is unclear or not maintained. Narrative provides a presentation of the case study ethical issues. Confidentiality maintained as applicable. Narrative provides a detailed and appropriate presentation of case study indicating ethical issue. Confidentiality was clearly maintained as applicable. Clarity of ethical issues is evident Discussion fails to establish or define the ethical issue. Discussion establishes and depicts the ethical issue. Discussion clearly establishes and depicts the ethical issue. Details support the ethical nature of the situation. Defines ethical stance or position Ethical stance is unclear or not provided. Analysis of ethical stance about the issue is discussed and provided. Detailed and specific ethical stance is provided. Relevant points about ethical position are identified and discussed.
1. When thinking to herself, “Now they were as strangers; nay, worse than strangers, for they could never become acquain .
Persuasion Ch. 8 101. When thinking to herself, “Now they were as strangers; nay, worse than strangers, for they could never become acquainted” (43), what does Anne .
TopicUsing an advertisement or commercial of your choice, analyze the advertiser's use of ethos, pathos and logos while ta .
Northern Virginia Community College Commercial Ads and Influence EssayTopicUsing an advertisement or commercial of your choice, analyze the advertiser's use of ethos, pathos and logos while taking into consideration the advertiser's intended audience. All three rhetorical appeals must be present in the advertisement/commercial.InstructionsDevelop an effective rhetorical analysis essay (750-1000 words) about the advertisement/commercial you chose.Format your paper according to MLA style (Links to an external site.).Attach the image from the ad or embed the video above the title of your essay. Write an interesting title that captures the interest of your reader and focuses your essay.Begin with a strong introduction that engages your reader and provides a clear thesis at the end of the introduction.Write one paragraph that discusses the intended audience.Write three support paragraphs, one for each rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, and logos). Include relevant concrete examples from the ad and discuss whether the appeals are used effectively.End with a strong conclusion that discusses the overall effect of the ad with regard to ethos, pathos, and logos. Restate your thesis in a different wording and sum up what the reader should take away from the essay.Use in-text citations as needed.Add an MLA formatted Works Cited as a separate page at the end of the essay. Use these resources to format MLA citations.How to cite an advertisement (Links to an external site.)How to cite a video commercial (Links to an external site.) (follow the example for a YouTube video)Proofread your essay. Check for clear content and accurate sentence mechanics.Save your rough draft as a Word or Google doc and submit it as a file upload.