Notary Public Exam

The Notary Public Exam is only required for non-attorney notary applicants. Please contact the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services Notary Unit at 609-292-9292 for further information.


Currently commissioned Notary Publics are not required to complete the Notary Exam. If your commission is up for renewal you are not required to complete the exam. You are only required to submit your Notary Renewal Application.

If your commission has expired and it is past the 30-day grace period, please change your response to No and complete your Commissioning Application as you are required to take the Exam.

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Press the Continue button to remain active or press the Finish button to expire your test and exit. If you finish, any unanswered question will not be correct. If your session has already expired, either button will send you to the home page or to the exam information screen.

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Clicking Yes will cancel your application. All information entered will be lost.